Customer information for project TEMPLATE

* For definition of data property and rights, contact reference in case the project leader is no longer available.
* For definition of data ownership, responsabilities, access rights and credits.
For definition of data ownership, responsabilities, access rights and credits.
For stable and unambiguous identification of the project leader. For example, an ORCID.
* For communication and sending data delivery information.
* For sending data release code.
* For definition of access rights and credits.
For definition of access rights and credits.
For stable and unambiguous identification of the first data manager. For example, an ORCID.
* For communication and sending data delivery information.
* For sending data release code.
For definition of access rights and credits.
For definition of access rights and credits.
For communication and sending data delivery information.
For definition of access rights and credits.
For definition of access rights and credits.
For communication and sending data delivery information.
For definition of access rights and credits.
For definition of access rights and credits.
For communication and sending data delivery information.
For definition of access rights and credits.
For definition of access rights and credits.
For communication and sending data delivery information.
If applicable, the project leader confirms that a relevant institutional ethics review board has approved sequencing of the samples enrolled in the project.
* Defines the input sample type, e.g. genomic DNA, total RNA, library.
* Defines the species of the sample with latin name, e.g. Homo sapiens.
* Defines the tissue or cell line of origin for each sample, e.g. whole-blood, mononuclear cells, lymphoblastoid cell line.
* Defines the condition or treatment that the sample is selected for, e.g. myelodysplastic syndrome, autism spectrum disorder.
* Person who signs the CSA.
Person who signs the CSA.
* Email address to which the CSA will be sent via e-sign.
* For communications on administrative matters.
Second person who signs the CSA.
Person who signs the CSA.
Email address to which the CSA will be sent for second signature via e-sign.
For communications on administrative matters.
Second person who signs the CSA.
Person who signs the CSA.
Email address to which the CSA will be sent for third signature via e-sign.
For communications on administrative matters.
Email of the person who will be copied, for information only, in the CSA signing process.
* Contact person for admin and billing matters.
* For communications on admin and billing matters.
* Phone of the contact person for administrative and billing matters.
* This information will appear on the bill.
* This information will appear on the bill.
* This information will appear on the bill.
* Email to which the invoice will be sent.
* Field is required